Aluminum Coil for Car Radiator
Publish Time: 2021-12-22 Origin:
Aluminum radiators are more and more widely used. This is mainly due to the unique advantages of aluminum radiators. What are its advantages?

1. Corrosion resistance and long service life. The surface of aluminum coil for radiator can form a thick and solid oxide film, which can be used for a long time in heating water with pH <9 or in car water tanks. The aluminum radiator with special surface treatment can be used in various pH<12 environment.
2. It is with a wide variety of designs and colors and no solder joints, having strong decoration, which can satisfy everyone's individual needs.
3. Because the specific strength and specific stiffness of aluminum alloy are much higher than that of copper, cast iron and steel. Even in the case of thinner thickness, it can accept sufficient pressure, bending force, pulling force and impact force, and will not show the appearance of damage during transfer, installation and use.
4. Light weight. In the case of the same heat dissipation, the weight of aluminum radiator is only one-eleventh of cast iron radiator, one-sixth of steel radiator, and one-third of copper radiator, which can greatly save transportation costs, reduce labor intensity, and save installation time.
The alloys of aluminum coils for car radiator
1. 6063/6061 aluminum alloy is the most popular ones for making aluminum radiator. 6061 aluminum alloy features high heat dissipation efficiency, high cost performance and easy processing.
2. Pure aluminum: It is the most common aluminum radiator material when the early aluminum alloy radiator was not widely used. The application range is narrow, but it is mostly used in environments with high thermal conductivity requirements.
3. Composite aluminum alloy materials: They includes copper-aluminum, steel-aluminum, titanium-magnesium-aluminum, etc. Among them, the copper-aluminum composite radiator is the most common heat dissipation device for heating equipment.
4. Cast aluminum alloy: It is used for high-pressure cast aluminum profile radiator.
5. 2A12 aluminum alloy: This is a kind of high-strength duralumin, which has a certain degree of heat resistance. It is generally used for high-load parts and components.